Window object is used to get and set console window size and its properties.
Table of Set functions
- bool setSizeChars(int columns, int rows)
- bool setSizePixels(int width, int height)
- bool setPositionPixels(int x, int y)
- bool setPositionCenter()
- bool setFullscreenWindow()
- bool setFullscreenBorderless()
- bool setColor(Color foreground, Color background)
- bool setDefaultColor(Color color, int value)
- bool setTitle(wstring title)
Table of Show functions
- bool showBlinking()
- bool hideBlinking()
- bool showSelection()
- bool hideSelection()
- bool showScrollbars(int columns, int rows)
- bool hideScrollbars()
Table of Get functions
- int getX()
- int getY()
- int getWidth()
- int getHeight()
- int getColumns()
- int getRows()
- int getScreenWidth()
- int getScreenHeight()
- int getBarHeight()
- int getTitle()
- int getDefaultColor(Color color)
The difference between a console window or simply console and screen is very important. Console is an application used to run commands and executable files. Screen is the full size of working area on monitor. The position and size of console window can be changed by user or by code itself. You can use functions below to get and set these properties exactly.
The console window and screen size are different for each user. When publishing an application you should account for these different screen sizes. The easiest solution is to use Window.setFullscreenBorderless and Cursor.setFontChars. The first function sets the console size to match the screen size and the second function adjusts cursor font to a given number of characters in columns and rows. For getting mouse position, use Mouse.getRows and Mouse.getCollumns instead of raw pixels.
Character size
When working inside a console, the most important functions are Window.getRows and Window.getColumns. You can use these functions to determine exact number of characters you can write to console. You also can set these using Window.setSizeChars.
Pixel size
When working with raw pixels, following six functions can be used. Functions getX and getY retrieve position of top left corner of the console window in pixels. You also can set the position with Window.setPositionCenter or Window.setPositionPixels. Window width and height in pixels are obtained using getWidth and getHeight. For resizing window in pixels you can use setSizePixels. Finally, monitor screen size can be obtained using getScreenWidth and getScreenHeight.
Window can be used as following example.
middle = Window.getColumns() / 2;
center = Window.getRows() / 2;
bool setSizeChars(int columns, int rows)
This function sets the console window size to specified number of characters. The result depends on font size.
To set the window size to fullscreen use setFullscreenWindow or setFullscreenBorderless instead.
- number of columns resized console will have
- number of rows resized console will have
Return value
Return type is bool
. Return value is true if everything works, else false.
Setting size to low number of characters can throw an error, because the window
is too small to draw navigation pane. One solution is to set higher font size.
This example sets screen size to only 9 chars and prints a simple frame.
Cursor.setFontPixels(30, 30);
Window.setSizeChars(9, 9);
Cursor.printChar(7, 7, 'X');
Cursor.printChar(1, 1, 'X');
Cursor.printChar(1, 7, 'X');
Cursor.printChar(7, 1, 'X');
bool setSizePixels(int width, int height)
This function sets the console window size to specified pixels. Window is automatically aligned to center. Trailing characters are shown on the next lines.
For new console information use getColumns and getRows.
To set the window size to fullscreen use setFullscreenWindow or setFullscreenBorderless instead.
- height of new window in pixels
- width of new window in pixels
Return value
Return type is bool
. Return value is true if everything works, else false.
This example changes the window size three times and waits for user input after each one.
Window.setSizePixels(640, 480);
Window.setSizePixels(1024, 720);
Window.setSizePixels(1920, 1080);
bool setPositionPixels(int x, int y)
This function sets the position of console window in pixels.
If you want to set window position to center you can use setPositionCenter
- x pixel position of window
- y pixel position of window
Return value
Return type is bool
. Return value is true if everything works, else false.
This example sets the position of the window to left top third of the screen.
int xpos = Window.getScreenWidth()/3 - Window.getWidth()/2;
int ypos = Window.getScreenHeight()/3 - Window.getHeight()/2;
Window.setPositionPixels(xpos, ypos);
bool setPositionCenter()
This function sets position of console window to the center of the screen. This function is called automatically after Window.setSizePixels and Window.setSizeChars.
This function doesn't have any parameters.
Return value
Return type is bool
. Return value is true if everything works, else false.
This example sets the position of the window to center and creates a loading bar.
std::cout << "Retrieving information" << std::endl;
for(int i = 0; i <= 21; i++)
std::cout << '.';
bool setFullscreenWindow()
This function sets the console size to maximum. This function doesn't hide borders, top navigation panel is still visible and also the bottom application pane.
If you want to fill with console to entire fullscreen, use setFullscreenBorderless
This function doesn't have any parameters.
Return value
Return type is bool
. Return value is true if everything works, else false.
This example resizes the window and writes three crosses in the bottom of the console.
int middle = Window.getColumns() / 2 - 6;
int bottom = Window.getRows() - 1;
Cursor.setPosition(middle, bottom);
std::cout << "-x- -x- -x-";
bool setFullscreenBorderless()
This function fills the entire screen with the console size. This function hides top navigation panel and bottom application pane. This function is designed for full scale applications and games.
If you want to set the console back to window use the function again or use setFullscreenWindow.
This function doesn't have any parameters.
Return value
Return type is bool
. Return value is true if everything works, else false.
This example asks the user, if they .
std::string answer;
std::cout << "Do you want to set the console to fullscreen? ";
std::cin >> answer;
if (answer == "Yes")
std::cout << "Console was set to fullscreen. ";
bool setColor(Color foreground, Color background)
This function will fill whole window with two colors. You specify the foreground color and background color. If you want to clear all text use clearScreen.
any color constant, text foreground color
any color constant, text background color
Return value
Return type is bool
. Return value is true if everything works, else false.
This example sets the console colors as a preferred theme.
std::string theme = "blue";
if (theme == "blue")
Window.setColor(WHITE, BLUE);
else if (theme == "green")
Window.setColor(LIGHTYELLOW, GREEN);
std::cout << "Menu Window" << std::endl;
bool setDefaultColor(Color color, int value)
This function sets the default colors for console. Each console has 16 distinct colors which you can change. Setting BLACK color sets the window background. Setting WHITE sets the default white text color.
color constant
integer color value, best used with RGB macro or HEX function (see example).
Return value
Return type is bool
. Return value is true if everything works, else false.
false is also returned if integer color is in wrong format or unknown color.
This example flips colors of console. Background will be white and black text.
Window.setDefaultColor(BLACK, HEX(0xFCFAF0));
Window.setDefaultColor(WHITE, RGB(72, 77, 87));
std::cout << "Hello new world!";
bool setTitle(wstring title)
This function sets the name of the console. The text is written in console header. Function does not change the given string, meaning you can call this function without creating a string variable.
wide string from standard library used as a constant.
Return value
Return type is bool
. Return value is true if everything works, else false.
This example sets window color and title, and writes a simple text to console.
Window.setColor(WHITE, CYAN);
std::cout << "Welcome in RockOS!" << std::endl;
bool showBlinking()
This function shows the blinking animation on cursor position when waiting for user input. It is useful when waiting for user input. It is set by default and resets after resizing the window.
This function doesn't have any parameters.
Return value
Return type is bool
. Return value is true if everything works, else false.
This example asks the user for their name and then writes to screen.
using namespace std;
string name;
cout << "What is your name? ";
cin >> name;
cout << "Hello " << name << "!";
bool hideBlinking()
This function hides the blinking animation on cursor position when waiting for user input. It is useful when making games.
This function doesn't have any parameters.
Return value
Return type is bool
. Return value is true if everything works, else false.
This example flies a dragon across the console window. Notice one blank character in the cout.
int x = 0;
std::cout << " Dragon";
bool showSelection()
This function enables the selection in console application. Selecting text pauses the console application. It is useful when writing an important data for user. It is set by default.
This function doesn't have any parameters.
Return value
Return type is bool
. Return value is true if everything works, else false.
This example writes a random code to screen and asks the user to copy it.
#include <stdlib.h>
std::cout << "Please copy this code: ";
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
std::cout << (char) ('A' + rand() % ('Z' - 'A' + 1));
bool hideSelection()
This function enables the selection in console application. Selecting text pauses the console application. It is useful when writing an important data for user. It is set by default.
This function doesn't have any parameters.
Return value
Return type is bool
. Return value is true if everything works, else false.
This example writes text and then waits until user releases left mouse button. Without hideSelection this example would not work correctly.
std::cout << "== | Start the game | == " << std::endl;
std::cout << "Loading the scenes ...";
bool showScrollbars(int columns, int rows)
This function shows the scrollbars in console and sets their size. It also resizes the console buffer meaning you can write more or less text in console. Setting one parameter to zero hides corresponding scrollbar.
- number of horizontal characters
- number of vertical characters
Return value
Return type is bool
. Return value is true if everything works, else false.
This example writes list of squared numbers.
Window.setSizeChars(80, 20);
Window.showScrollbars(0, 50);
for(int i = 0; i <= 50; i++)
std::cout << i << ":\t" << i * i << std::endl;
bool hideScrollbars()
This function hides the scrollbars in console. It also removes all characters that are out of bounds. Due to this fact, it is recommended to stay in one console screen and not to write large texts at once.
This function doesn't have any parameters.
Return value
Return type is bool
. Return value is true if everything works, else false.
This example prints out a circle out of 'o' characters. Hiding scrollbars isn't necessary, but picture is cleaner.
int x = 0, y = 0;
for(int i = -10; i <= 10; i++)
for(int j = -10; j <= 10; j++)
if (i * i + j * j < 80)
Cursor.printChar(10 + i, 10 + j, 'o');
bool showResize()
This function shows the manual resize option. It enables user to set console size. User can drag borders of console to set size or use maximize option in top right corner.
This function doesn't have any parameters.
Return value
Return type is bool
. Return value is true if everything works, else false.
This example writes 100 random numbers. User can resize the window to better distinguish them.
std::cout << "Information: ";
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
std::cout << rand() << ", ";
bool hideResize()
This function disables manual resize option. It prevents user to set console size. Changing console size can be done only using commands.
This function doesn't have any parameters.
Return value
Return type is bool
. Return value is true if everything works, else false.
This example resizes window to square and disables resizing and scrolling. It can be used in games like snake.
int screen_height = Window.getScreenHeight();
Window.setSizePixels(screen_height/2, screen_height/2);
int getX()
This function returns left coordinate of the window in pixels. It is the left most coordinate of working area.
You can use Window.setPositionPixels or Window.setPositionCenter to set position of window using a code.
This function doesn't have any parameters.
Return value
Return type is int
. Return value is x pixel position of top left corner.
This example prints a sword pointing in direction of mouse.
if (Mouse.getX() < Window.getX())
std::cout << "<;;;;;;;;;]xxxxx(";
std::cout << ")xxxxx[;;;;;;;;;>";
int getY()
This function returns top coordinate of the window in pixels. It returns position of top corner of working area, without height of navigation bar. You can use getBarHeight to manually adjust coordinate to your needs.
You can use Window.setPositionPixels or Window.setPositionCenter to set position of window using a code.
This function doesn't have any parameters.
Return value
Return type is int
. Return value is y pixel position of top left corner.
This example sets console position to center if console is outside the screen.
if (Window.getY() + Window.getHeight() > Window.getScreenHeight())
int getWidth()
This function returns width of the window in pixels. When calculating position of right corner of window use sum of Window.getX() and Window.getWidth().
This function doesn't have any parameters.
Return value
Return type is int
. Return value is size in x of the window.
This example sets the console size if console is too small.
int size = Window.getScreenWidth() / 2;
if (Window.getWidth() < size)
Window.setSizePixels(size, Window.getScreenHeight()/2);
int getHeight()
This function returns height of the window in pixels. When calculating position of bottom corner of window use sum of Window.getX() and Window.getHeight().
This function doesn't have any parameters.
Return value
Return type is int
. Return value is size in y of the window.
This example sets the screen size to match ratio of 16 : 9.
int wh = Window.getHeight();
int ww = (16 * wh) / 9;
Window.setSizePixels(ww, wh);
int getColumns()
This function returns size of the window in columns. It is used when writing text to middle of the screen or to its corners. You can set window size in columns and rows using Window.setSizeChars().
This function doesn't have any parameters.
Return value
Return type is int
. Return value is number of columns of the window.
This example writes text in the middle of console width.
std::string text = "Start the application";
int pos = Window.getColumns()/2 - text.length()/2 -1;
Cursor.setPosition(pos, 0);
std::cout << text;
int getRows()
This function returns size of the window in rows. It is used when writing text to middle of the screen or to its corners. You can set window size in columns and rows using Window.setSizeChars().
This function doesn't have any parameters.
Return value
Return type is int
. Return value is number of rows of the window.
This example writes a simple cross across the screen.
int x = 0, rows = Window.getRows(), max = 2 * rows - 2;
for(int y = 0; y < rows; y++)
Cursor.setPosition(x, y);
std::cout << "XXX";
Cursor.setPosition(max - x, y);
std::cout << "XXX";
x += 2;
int getScreenWidth()
This function returns width of the screen in pixels.
If you want to set window position to center use Window.setPositionCenter().
This function doesn't have any parameters.
Return value
Return type is int
. Return value is width of the screen in pixels.
This example resizes the console size to the half of screen size.
int screen_width = Window.getScreenWidth();
int screen_height = Window.getScreenHeight();
Window.setSizePixels(screen_width/2, screen_height/2);
int getScreenHeight()
This function returns height of the screen in pixels. It is the size of working area. You can use getBarHeight to add height of navigation bar.
If you want to set window position to center use Window.setPositionCenter().
This function doesn't have any parameters.
Return value
Return type is int
. Return value is height of the screen in pixels.
This prints screen ratio. It uses greatest common devisor (gcd) from numberic, but you can write your own.
#include <numeric>
int width = Window.getScreenWidth();
int height = Window.getScreenHeight();
int greatest = std::gcd(width, height);
std::cout << "Your ratio is " << width/greatest << " : " << height/greatest;
int getBarHeight()
This function returns height of the title bar in pixels. With this function you can determine if you are in fullscreen mode. If you want to make interactive application use Mouse.getX and Mouse.getY.
This function doesn't have any parameters.
Return value
Return type is int
. Return value is approximated height of the window title bar in pixels.
This example asks user to hold Y key to set console to borderless mode. Then it writes a simple message. Keep in mind that the second if statement is not necessary in this small example and code can rewritten without it.
std::cout << "Hold Y to set window to borderless mode." << std::endl;
if (Keyboard.get('Y'))
if (!Window.getBarHeight())
std::cout << "You are in borderless fullscreen mode.";
wstring getTitle()
This function gets the name of the console. The text is written in console header.
This function doesn't have any parameters.
Return value
wide string from standard library used as a constant.
This example gets window title and writes it to screen using wcout.
std::wcout << "You are running from a ";
std::wcout << Window.getTitle();
std::wcout << " console.";
int getDefaultColor(Color color)
This function get HEX value of default color from console palette. You need to specify which color you want to return.
color from palette
Return value
Return type is int
. Return value is numerical representation of color. You
can print it using std::hex tag.
This example prints rgb values of green color and hex value of black color.
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include "swti/swti.hpp"
int main()
int green = Window.getDefaultColor(GREEN);
int black = Window.getDefaultColor(BLACK);
std::cout << "Green in rgb is (" << GET_RED(green) << ", "
<< GET_GREEN(green) << ", " << GET_BLUE(green) << ").\n";
std::cout << "Black in hex is " << std::setw(6)
<< std::setfill('0') << std::hex << black << ".\n";
return 0;