Hello world

I want to print colored logo of SWTI and yellow text Hello world to middle of fullscreen window.

Full Showcase


I will begin by simple hello world, check that this code compiles and executes correctly. If not, refer to README and solve the issue before continuing.

#include <iostream>
#include "swti/swti.hpp"

int main()
    std::cout << "Hello World!" << std::endl;
    return 0;

Showcase 1

I can create SWTI logo by using Cursor.printChar which prints a character at position, optionally with color. I will print individual characters of SWTI, each with different color and different position.

#include <iostream>
#include "swti/swti.hpp"

int main()
    Cursor.printChar(0, 0, 'S', YELLOW);
    Cursor.printChar(1, 0, 'W', LIGHTRED);
    Cursor.printChar(2, 0, 'T', LIGHTBLUE);
    Cursor.printChar(3, 0, 'I', LIGHTGREEN);
    return 0;

Showcase 2


I can make a function that prints SWTI logo at any position. Then I can use Cursor.setPosition and Cursor.setColor to set position and color of next written text. I can write "Hello world".

#include <iostream>
#include "swti/swti.hpp"

void printLogo(int x, int y)
    Cursor.printChar(x++, y, 'S', YELLOW);
    Cursor.printChar(x++, y, 'W', LIGHTRED);
    Cursor.printChar(x++, y, 'T', LIGHTBLUE);
    Cursor.printChar(x++, y, 'I', LIGHTGREEN);

int main()
    printLogo(0, 0);
    Cursor.setPosition(5, 0);
    std::cout << "Hello world!";
    return 0;

Showcase 3


Window.setDefaultColor changes our color pallete with different colors. I will use Window.setDefaultColor to change BLACK background to dark blue and set YELLOW to different HEX value.

#include <iostream>
#include "swti/swti.hpp"

void printLogo(int x, int y)
    Cursor.printChar(x++, y, 'S', YELLOW);
    Cursor.printChar(x++, y, 'W', LIGHTRED);
    Cursor.printChar(x++, y, 'T', LIGHTBLUE);
    Cursor.printChar(x++, y, 'I', LIGHTGREEN);

int main()
    Window.setDefaultColor(BLACK, RGB(16, 20, 28));
    Window.setDefaultColor(YELLOW, HEX(0xf5f118));
    printLogo(0, 0);
    Cursor.setPosition(5, 0);
    std::cout << "Hello world!";
    return 0;

Showcase 4

Window functions

I calculate font size using Window.getScreenHeight and then use Cursor.setFontSize I call Window.setFullscreenBorderless to set window to fullsreen. Finally can factor out these functions to simple setup() function.

#include <iostream>
#include "swti/swti.hpp"

void setup()
    Window.setDefaultColor(BLACK, RGB(16, 20, 28));
    Window.setDefaultColor(YELLOW, HEX(0xf5f118));
    int size = Window.getScreenHeight() / 15;

void printLogo(int x, int y)
    Cursor.printChar(x++, y, 'S', YELLOW);
    Cursor.printChar(x++, y, 'W', LIGHTRED);
    Cursor.printChar(x++, y, 'T', LIGHTBLUE);
    Cursor.printChar(x++, y, 'I', LIGHTGREEN);

int main()
    printLogo(0, 0);
    Cursor.setPosition(5, 0);
    std::cout << "Hello world!";
    return 0;

Showcase 5

Full code

I can calculate middle position using Window.getColumns and Window.getRows. If I divide both numbers by two, I get middle and center. I will then substract some number to adjust it to our needs. Lastly, I will call Keyboard.waitUser(); to end the main and use Window.hideBlinking(); to stop white blinking cursor.

#include <iostream>
#include "swti/swti.hpp"

// set fullsreen, font size and colors
void setup()
    Window.setDefaultColor(BLACK, RGB(16, 20, 28));
    Window.setDefaultColor(YELLOW, HEX(0xf5f118));
    int size = Window.getScreenHeight() / 15;

// simple function to print colorful logo
void printLogo(int x, int y)
    Cursor.printChar(x++, y, 'S', YELLOW);
    Cursor.printChar(x++, y, 'W', LIGHTRED);
    Cursor.printChar(x++, y, 'T', LIGHTBLUE);
    Cursor.printChar(x++, y, 'I', LIGHTGREEN);

// main function will be called first
int main()

    int middle, center;
    middle = Window.getColumns() / 2 - 8;
    center = Window.getRows() / 2 - 2;
    printLogo(middle, center);

    Cursor.setPosition(middle + 5, center);
    cout << "Hello world!";

    return 0;

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